My Background
I moved to Los Angeles in 2013 to pursue a career in the film business.
Although I garnered a successful career in that industry, I grew to realize that production on set was not my primary passion. I made the move over to web development and design;
the switch was a breath of fresh air and I haven’t looked back.
My time on film sets has given me many valuable skills to apply to my new projects. After years of working directly with discerning clients, collaborating on large-scale crews, and knowing the creative goal is the ‘end’ goal, the shift has been a breeze. I look forward to bringing, along with my technical skills, that expertise and attitude into your project.
I enjoy the work that I'm doing, but also believe fully in investing in myself for a healthy, well-rounded lifestyle. My passions include playing the hurdy-gurdy, gaming of all varieties, and adventures in the outdoors.